to begin making these first layers of my monoprints I cut out various stencils relating to place, as seen in the first image, which were then placed upon a perspex plate rolled with ink.
In order to de-saturate the plate of ink, I first printed on newsprint. In doing so I was able to create a ghosting effect as seen in the 4th image
I'm not completely happy with these first prints for several reasons. Firstly the colour feels unnatural with the highly saturated greens, which is in opposition to the natural imagery of my stencils. Secondly I felt my stencils themselves were lacking, I needed more and I also feel that stencils of pressed plants would have aided in a more naturalistic aesthetic. Thus, in order to rectify these issues I plan to print with an alternate colour next week and further layering in accordance with monoprinting. I will also press some plants and cut additional stencils.
I do However, enjoy the ghosting effect as seen in the 3rd image below and wish to further explore this sense or residual imagery next time I print.